Hairstyles and haircuts shall present a professional and balanced appearance.
Appropriateness of a hairstyle shall be evaluated by its appearance when headgear is worn. All headgear shall fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion or excessive gaps. Hairstyles will not interfere with the proper wearing of headgear, protective masks or equipment. When headgear is worn, hair shall not show from under the front of the headgear.
Locks. Lock hairstyle (Locks) for the purpose of Navy Uniform Regulations grooming standards consists of one section of hair that twists from or near the root to the end of the hair and creates a uniform ringlet or cord-like appearance. Locks may be worn in short, medium, and long hair lengths in the following manner:
(1) Locks must continue from the root to the end of the hair in one direction (no zig-zagging, curving, or ending before the end of the lock to dangle as a wisp or loose hair) and should encompass the whole head. Locks partings must be square or rectangle in shape in order to maintain a neat and professional appearance.
(2) Locks can be loose (free-hanging where no hair is added to the lock once it is started other than hair extensions that are attached to natural hair). When worn loose, locks will be spaced no more than three-eighths of an inch apart, diameter/width will not exceed three-eighths of an inch, and locks will be tightly interlaced to present a neat and professional military appearance. Locks may also be worn in a bun provided all hair grooming requirements are met. Faux locks are authorized provided the hairstyle worn is in compliance with female hair grooming requirements. Locks may not be worn in combination with other hair styles (e.g. twists, braids).
(3) New growth (defined as hair that naturally grows from the scalp and has not yet been locked) will not exceed one-half inch at any time.
(4) Locks that do not meet the above standards and do not present a neat and professional military appearance will not be worn in uniform. Commanding Officers have the ultimate responsibility for determining when hairstyles are eccentric, faddish, or out of standards.
More information on hairstyle standards and other uniform regulations can be found on the Navy Uniform Matters Website.