During command/unit PT, commanding officers are authorized to standardize policy for the relaxation of female hair grooming standards with regard to having hair secured to the head.
Hair restraining devices, if worn, will be consistent with the current hair color.
While performing individual PT, female Sailors are authorized to decide whether or not to secure hair to the head.
Haircuts and styles shall present a balanced appearance. Lopsided and extremely asymmetrical styles are not authorized.
All hairstyles must minimize scalp exposure.
Hair coloring, wigs, or hair pieces must be of a natural hair color, such as blond, brunette, brown, red, gray, or black, not be distracting from a professional appearance in uniform and complement the individual. Hair extensions must match the current color of the hair. Tints and highlights shall result in natural hair colors and be similar to the base color of the hair.
Hairstyles must not interfere with the proper wear of any uniform headgear.
Hairstyle standards apply to Sailors while in uniform and in the performance of duty while wearing civilian clothes.
It is impossible to address every situation and every hairstyle thus unit and commanding officers and Navy leaders are empowered to use their judgment in applying grooming standards.
More information on hairstyle standards and other uniform regulations can be found on the Navy Uniform Matters Website.