10 Things to Know
Navy establishes Deployability Assessment, Assignment Program
10 October 2018
Navy Personnel Command announced the establishment of the Navy Deployability Assessment and Assignment Program (DAAP), focused on improving personnel readiness across the force, in NAVADMIN 239/18, released Sept. 26. 1. The program will ensure the timely disposition, processing and accountability of active-component, full-time support and selected reserve service members who are either medically, legally or administratively limited from deployment.
2. It is the personal responsibility of every Sailor to maintain individual readiness, including medical, dental, physical and administrative (e.g., maintaining a family care plan) readiness.
3. A Sailor is deployable if he or she does not have a service-determined reason that precludes him or her from deployment.
4. Starting Oct. 1, 2018, in line with Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction 1332.45, Sailors who have been nondeployable for 12 consecutive months will be notified of mandatory processing for administrative separation or referral to the Disability Evaluation System as appropriate.
5. Commands will use written counseling and fitness reports/performance evaluations to document a service member's knowing failure to comply with his or her responsibilities to maintain individual readiness (e.g., missing medical or dental appointments or the intentional failure to disclose a factor affecting deployability).
6. Sailors who receive notifications will have the opportunity to be considered for retention by the Secretary of the Navy.
7. Medical deployability will be considered during each health care encounter (physical health assessments, sea duty and overseas duty screenings).
8. The Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery is proactively realigning resources and focus to support Sailor readiness and deployability, especially in fleet concentration areas.
9. In some cases, Sailors must be referred to civilian medical networks for follow-on referrals or appointments. Navy leadership is cognizant of the delays outside of the control of individual Sailors and this will be considered in the retention determination process.
10. Pregnant and post-partum Sailors are exempt from this policy. No other Sailors are exempt, but special categories for retention consideration include combat-wounded members, Sailors who will be nondeployable for 12 months or longer due to administrative reasons and Sailors who have attained such years of creditable service so as to be within three years of qualifying for retirement.
Editor's note: For a copy of NAVADMIN 239/18, click here.