My Navy Career Development Symposium to Visit Norfolk in June
30 May 2018
"Take Charge of Your Career!" is the theme of the Sailor-focused My Navy Career Development Symposium (CDS) making its way to Norfolk, June 19 to 21. Norfolk-area Sailors will have the opportunity to learn how to make the most of the Navy's Sailor 2025 program, the personnel modernization transformation initiative and how to optimize career opportunities.
Led by Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) Vice Adm. Robert Burke, the symposium is scheduled to make three stops throughout the Tidewater area: June 19 at Brashear Conference Center, Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story; June 20 at Aero Theater, Naval Air Station Oceana; and June 21 at C9 Theater, Naval Station Norfolk.
"We continue to receive good feedback about CDS everywhere we go. Sailors are really excited to play an active role in managing their careers. That is why I look forward to bringing CDS to the largest fleet concentration area in the world. It gives us the chance to reach the most Sailors," said Burke.
Each stop My Navy CDS makes will be full of opportunities for Sailors. CNP will kick off each day with an update on his vision of Sailor 2025 and the all-new Performance Evaluation System.
Following CNP, a host of experts will give short presentations on subjects such as "How Rating Exams Work," "How The Navy Chooses Chiefs," Volunteer Education (VOLED), "Pay and Benefits" and more.
The new, shortened presentation format will highlight key programs but will also allow Sailors to dive into specific topics with subject matter experts in afternoon sessions. Also, CDS representatives will be available throughout the day to answer Sailors' questions.
After the presentations, a leadership panel hosted by CNP will provide an opportunity for Sailors of all ranks to stand up and ask questions or use a smart phone app that will be available to download on site.
Sailors will also be able to meet face to face with detailers and community managers to discuss orders and career paths, and ask questions. Chiefs especially are encouraged to bring their Professional Apprenticeship Career Track (PACT) program Sailors to discuss rating assignments. PACT Sailors may potentially leave CDS with a rate.
"This event is designed to give you, the Sailor, the tools you need to manage your career, and to tell you all about the new programs and opportunities that exist within the Navy that you can use," said Cmdr. Gabe Gammache, key CDS coordinator at Navy Personnel Command.
Don't miss your chance to meet with top Navy leadership, including the chief of naval personnel, enlisted community managers and detailers.
Check out the CDS-Norfolk podcast:
For even more information about the My Navy CDS event, visit: