Capt. Jip Mosman was the presiding officer for Norfolk Naval Shipyard's annual Patriot Day Fall-In for Colors Sept. 11. He said, "Today that pride we felt after Sept. 11, 2001 remains strong in all of us – as we continue on the legacy of those who we have lost. And with new challenges ahead of us as overseas entities are once again threatening our way of life. We must remember why we do what we do here at NNSY. We must continue to execute our mission to return ships and submarines back to sea in support of our Sailors going into harm’s way in support of our Nation’s defense. Each of you are a vital asset to our Nation. You make our mission happen. This command isn’t a machine running on gas and oil, it’s an organization that runs on people. With the right focus for all of us to make it more efficient and more effective for the work to get done at the deckplate, we will be successful in our mission and help the Navy to be prepared for what might come.”