160405-N-QU339-002 PORT HUENEME Calif. (April 5, 2016) Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (EXWC), Expeditionary Engineering Director, Cody Reese, (Right) briefs NAVFAC, Commander and Chief of Civil Engineers, RADM Bret Muilenburg at the NAVFAC EXWC Seawater Desalinization Test Facility. Muilenburg returned to NAVFAC EXWC, for the first time since becoming NAVFAC’s Commander last October. During his visit, he briefed his NAVFAC mission and vision contained in the recently published Strategic Design 2016 - 2019 to the EXWC Executive Steering Group. Muilenburg stressed that NAVFAC would still maintain its course and speed while serving its customers. (U.S. Navy Photo by Michael Ard/Released)